I am a civil engineer with strong interests in computational mechanics and biomechanics of soft tissues. Before starting a career in the Academia, I have been working as self-employee in the industry for a decade, developing technical-scientific software for engineering firms. I become assistant professor in 1995, and in 1996 I started a collaboration with Caltech (Pasadena CA), where I still hold an intermittent Visiting Associate position. My research has been awarded with 14 plenary lectures in international conferences and 80 invited seminars in outstanding international institutions. I am presently Editor in Chief of the journal Meccanica (Springer).
My research in computational mechanics led to the development of advanced technologies for modelling cohesive fracture onset and propagation, nonsmooth contact approaches, finite kinematics material models, variational methods for fracture tracking (eigenerosion), the invention of an enhanced concrete metamaterial (metaconcrete), and the development of a microstructural porous brittle material model for modelling fracking. The major achievements of my research in biomechanics are the conception of stochastic material models for fibrous tissues, the development of innovative computational models for the human cornea, and the ideation of microstructural models for stromal collagen.
37 (source: Scopus)
97 (Scopus)
122 (Scopus)
a. At the undergrad level, I have been teaching Mechanics of Solids (Energy Engineering, 2000-2022), Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics (Aerospace Engineering, 2010-2022), Structural Mechanics (Management Engineering, 2006-2007). At the master level, I have been teaching Structural and Thermal Analysis (Industrial Engineering, 2004-2011). Since 2007, I deliver a PhD course in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics at the Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Milano. I have been a member of the PhD School in Mathematical Methods and Models for Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (2012-2018) and in Structural Engineering, Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering (2000-2014). I advised or coadvised 10 PhD students and 6 post-docs. page on Politecnico website.
“Thermal crack evolution in thin wall structures”, Siegen Universität, Germany, PI
“Numerical simulations of damage and failure in thin wall structures”, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, PI
An Integrated Meso & micro scale Procedure to Assess Territorial flood risk (Fondazione Cariplo). Role: PI
“Numerical modelling of the in-vivo mechanical behavior of the human cornea”, PI
“Development of a stress and fracture analysis software for the planning and the design of hydraulic fracture campaigns in non-conventional shale gas and shale oil fields”, PI
“Determination of the initial stress state at bore-hole level through inverse analysis”, PI